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Rian Tak Han Ah Kard (Royal Thai Air Force Medallion) – Luang Por Kasem – Year 2538 B.E. – Made of SOLID GOLD
Name: Rian Tak Han Ah Kard
(Medallion of the Royal Thai Air Force)
Blessed by: Luang Por Kasem
Temple: Susarn Thai Lart, Lampang
Year: 2536 B.E. ( 1993 A.D. )
Material made: Made of SOLID GOLD
This very beautiful medallion is the only recorded medallion made for the Royal Thai Air Force by Luang Por Kasem.
It was commissioned by the then Air Force Chief Marshall, Kanth Pimanthip, whom has immense respect for Luang Por Kasem.
It was made for the troops of the Air Force to allow them to be blessed with great protection and to
protect them from danger and overall negativity.
The SOLID GOLD variants were distributed to the top officers within the Air Force and was supposedly given
as a diplomatic gift to high ranking foreign officials. Made in Year 2536 B.E., and it was blessed in
a grand ceremony presided by Luang Por Kasem.
People often wonder why are there 5 stars at the back?
It signifies that this piece was officially commissioned by by the Air Force Chief Marshall.
Inclusive of a custom made GOLD FRAMING