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Phra Somdej Chiang Sen “Chun Doo Hwan” – Luang Pu Tohk – Year 2522 B.E.
Name: Phra Somdej Chiang Sen “Chun Doo Hwan”
Blessed by: Luang Pu Tohk
Temple: Wat Pradu Chim-Plee, Bangkok
Year: 2522 B.E. ( 1979 A.D. )
Material made: Made of a mixture of sacred materials and holy components
This batch of amulets are perhaps one of the MOST UNDERVALUED amulets to be blessed by Luang Pu Tohk in the entire collection of amulets made! Extremely rich is historical value with actual events properly documented by News Agencies all over the world! This is a true masterpiece yet priced extremely accessibly! We cannot emphasize enough how unbelievably collectible is this batch of Phra Somdej amulets!
This is a piece that veteran collectors pay a great attention to! It is not an easy feat to come across a beautiful piece due to its excellent history of offering great protection to the bearer thus resulting in most pieces damaged or worn.
A little known fact about this batch of amulets is that it was, in fact very, very well blessed in a grand ceremony that took place more than 40 years ago!
This batch of amulets were blessed for TWO YEARS by Luang Pu Tohk. Made for a very good cause as it was created to raise funds for construction and refurbishment of certain areas of Wat Tham Singh Toh Thong.
Approximately 5,000 pieces were made but due to the nature of its very primitive manufacturing process, a majority number of pieces resulted in having incomplete features thus effectively rendering them “damaged” from an aesthetic perspective.
It was well documented that 999 pieces of this batch of amulets were given to King Bhumibol Adulyadej (King Rama IX) and it was known that these 999 pieces were distributed among many government and royal officials as well as foreign dignitaries. One such recipient was none other than the former president of South Korea, Chun Doo Hwan.
In Year 1981, President Chun Doo Hwan came to visit Thailand, he was given a piece of “Phra Somdej Chiang Sen” as a diplomatic gift and a sign of friendship. It was known that Chun Doo Hwan kept the Phra Somdej on him at all times for protection.
On 9 October 1983, President Chun Doo Hwan flew to Rangoon on an official visit to the capital of Burma. During the visit he planned to lay a wreath at the Martyrs’ Mausoleum to commemorate Aung San, one of the founders of independent Burma who was assassinated in 1947. As some of the president’s staff began assembling at the mausoleum, one of three bombs concealed in the roof exploded. The huge blast ripped through the crowd below, killing 21 people and wounding 46 others.
Chun Doo Hwan was saved because his car had been delayed in traffic and was only minutes from arriving at the memorial. The bomb was reportedly detonated early because the presidential bugle which signaled Chun’s arrival mistakenly rang out a few minutes ahead of schedule. – excerpt from archives from Yonhap News
It was known as the “Rangoon Bombing”. News of this matter was splashed across newspapers all over the world.
The efficacy of the amulet and the merits of Luang Pu Tohk was said to have protected Chun Doo Hwan from the assasination attempt, hence the name Phra Somdej Chiang Sen “Chun Doo Hwan”.
It was made of special minerals, holy materials and filings from Phra Kring Sai Fah which made the item even more sacred.
Made in Year 2522 B.E., and as spoken, it is of much difficulty to come across a piece 100% unworn and in an excellent condition.
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